Slide4-5 Creating A Memorable experience

A lived experience is gained through an interactive engagement with our environment with the appropriate knowledge.
To effectively reach a diverse population, marketing communications should consider multiple representation, expression, and engagement strategies. By implementing strategies that cater to multiple representation, expression, and engagement, businesses can create a more inclusive and effective marketing communication strategy. Understanding the diverse preferences and needs of the audience is key to building meaningful connections and fostering brand loyalty across a broad spectrum of consumers.
Multiple Representation of Information An important aspect in the process of learning – which can be defined as transforming information into knowledge – is the way the information is brought to the learner. In learning situations, learners hardly ever interact with the real system they need to understand. Instead, they use a representation that provides them with information about an event, process, or system in the real world. When communicating information it’s necessary to use multiple representations to facilitate conceptual understanding within context. You might draw a picture for someone, verbally describe using words, or create a mathematical equation.
Multiple Expression of Information Information is expressed in many different ways. Ideas are transformed into words, phrases, syntax, pace and intonation. An emotion or feeling might be manifested without words, such as tears expressing grief or laughter expressing joy. It might be communicated through music or painting, or a look on a face expressing emotion.
Multiple Engagement of Information Engagement entails being fully occupied, or having full attention. Learners differ markedly in the ways in which they can be engaged or motivated to learn. There are a variety of sources that can influence individual variation in affect including neurology, culture, personal relevance, subjectivity, and background knowledge, amongst other factors.