Slide3-5 The Transfer Of Knowledge

Effective business marketing communications require careful consideration of various factors to ensure successful delivery, perceivability, and understanding of the message.
Delivery Information is primarily delivered via vision, hearing and/or tactile mediums. If the delivery method cannot reach the target audience, then the information cannot be perceived. For example, we can’t detect the TV/Radio/cellular waves of information passing through us without a appropriately tuned electronic device.
Perceivability We are surrounded by information signals, but only those we perceive can we try to understand. If you perceive a message, but it is in a language you do not know, then you cannot understand the information being delivered.
Understanding Only when we understand the information can we gain knowledge and make use of the information through smart decisions. Information that we do not understand is just noise, but meaningful information gives us agency, or the power to know how to act or respond.