Creating an Inclusive Culture
Four Steps In creating An Inclusive Culture Brand
1: Communications
Good design is a bridge spanning barriers between the delivery of information and the understanding of knowledge impacting life decisions.You can have brilliant ideas, but if you cannot get them across, your ideas will not get you anywhere.
Lee Iacocca (1924-2019), American automotive business legend
Careful, considerate design can be the bridge between accessibility and usability in creating an effective and memorable user experience.
How is the marketing message delivered?
Information is primarily delivered via vision, hearing and/or tactile mediums. If the delivery method cannot reach the target audience, then the information cannot be perceived.
For example, we cannot detect the TV/Radio/cellular waves of information passing through us without a appropriately tuned electronic device.
Information is primarily delivered via vision, hearing and/or tactile mediums. If the delivery method cannot reach the target audience, then the information cannot be perceived.
For example, we cannot detect the TV/Radio/cellular waves of information passing through us without a appropriately tuned electronic device.
Who can perceive the marketing message?
We are surrounded by information signals, but only those we perceive can we try to understand.
If you perceive a message, but it is in a language you do not know, then you cannot understand the information being delivered.
We are surrounded by information signals, but only those we perceive can we try to understand.
If you perceive a message, but it is in a language you do not know, then you cannot understand the information being delivered.
How well does the targeted market understand the message?
Only when we understand the information can we gain knowledge and make use of the information through smart decisions.
Information that we do not understand is just noise, but meaningful information gives us agency, or the power to know how to act or respond.
Only when we understand the information can we gain knowledge and make use of the information through smart decisions.
Information that we do not understand is just noise, but meaningful information gives us agency, or the power to know how to act or respond.
2: Engagement
Amazon Books: The Inclusive Speaker, How to Truly Connect With All of Your Audience Without Leaving Anyone Behind, Denis BoudreauYour time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.
Steve Jobs (1955-2011), founder of Apple Inc. and NeXT Inc.
Face-to-face communication is particularly effective in building relationships and resolving conflicts. This is considered to be one of the most effective forms of communication as it allows for the exchange of nonverbal cues and immediate feedback.
Written communication can be an effective way to convey information in a clear and concise manner. This includes websites, emails, reports, and other written materials. Written communication is especially useful for documenting information, making plans, and communicating complex ideas.
Visual communication, such as graphs, diagrams, and videos, can be an effective way to convey information in a way that is easy to understand. Visual communication can help simplify complex ideas and engage an audience in a way that written or verbal communication alone may not.
Verbal communication, such as speaking and listening, is the most common form of communication and can be highly effective in conveying emotions and personal connections. Verbal communication can be used in various forms, such as face-to-face conversation, phone calls, and presentations.
3: Exploration
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950), British playwright and Nobel Prize recipient
When communicating information it is necessary to use multiple representations to facilitate conceptual understanding within context. You might draw a picture for someone, verbally describe using words, or create a mathematical equation.
An important aspect in the process of learning, which can be defined as transforming information into knowledge, is the way the information is brought to the learner.
An important aspect in the process of learning, which can be defined as transforming information into knowledge, is the way the information is brought to the learner.
Information is expressed in many different ways. Ideas are transformed into words, through the choice of those words, phrases, syntax, pace and intonation. An emotion or feeling might be manifested without words (tears expressing grief, or laughter expressing joy).
It might be communicated through music (a joyful or stoic expression) or painting (a look on a face indicating mood or emotion).
It might be communicated through music (a joyful or stoic expression) or painting (a look on a face indicating mood or emotion).
Learners differ in the ways in which they can be engaged or motivated to learn. There are a variety of sources that can influence individual variation in affect including neurology, culture, personal relevance, subjectivity, and background knowledge, amongst other factors.
Designers must bridge the gap between accessibility and usability by removing user engagement barriers of vision, hearing and touch. adaptive technology can include features like responsive web design that adjusts a website's layout based on the user's device or preferences.
Designers must bridge the gap between accessibility and usability by removing user engagement barriers of vision, hearing and touch. adaptive technology can include features like responsive web design that adjusts a website's layout based on the user's device or preferences.
4: Innovation
Bridging the digital divide is about closing the gap between leadership understanding of Accessibility, and management implementation of Accessibility, through effective productivity, inclusion, and communication strategies.We are dreamers, innovators, builders. We know that in Canada, better is always possible. And we deserve a government that knows that too.
Justin Trudeau, Canadian prime minister
In the Inspiration Phase you will learn directly from the people you are designing for as you immerse yourself in their lives and come to deeply understand their needs.
In the Ideation Phase you will make sense of what you learned, identify opportunities for design, and prototype possible solutions.
In the Implementation Phase you will bring your solution to life, and eventually to market. You will know that your solution will be a success because you have kept the very people you are looking to serve at the heart of the process.