Slide1-4 Inclusive Design
Design is not a monologue; it's a conversation.
Do you include people with disabilities in the design process?
Have you educated your designers to account for people with disabilities when creating new products?
Have you updated your processes and systems so that accessibility is embedded into products from the beginning?
Have you considered how AI can help your accessibility efforts?
Co-design outcome Report- Activity for Ideas And Outcomes
Product and service development must be carefully planned out.
Design: Accessibility assessment begins at the design level of a product life cycle. The page landscape must be perceivable, the content understandable, the objects operable, and the overall usability must be robust.
Development: In this phase, construct a standards-compliant website using materials from the Analysis and Design phases. Define accessibility techniques and remediation plans, prepare accessibility testing scenarios, and monitor accessibility remediation efforts, using the WCAG standards criteria, available automated testing tools, and usability testing requirements.
Functional Testing: Dynamic page rendering and operable functionality must be thoroughly tested before usability testing begins. Where native HTML5 cannot meet accessibility requirements, then ARIA coding can be implemented to achieve a defect free design.
Usability Testing: Coordinate groups of test participants who have different needs, skills sets, browser configuration options, and assistive technologies. The outcome of this phase is a remediation report describing user experience problems revealed in testing, and their solutions.
Product Documentation: Technical writer/editor must ensure product documentation and web content is accurate and accessible. The support and Training personnel must understand product accessibility features and able to work with end-users.
Evaluation Review: The evaluation review should be based on the project scope framework and the accepted conformance standard guidance. The initial review should focus on the general user experience. The evaluation process will help your organization build an accessibility maturity governance model.
Deployment and Support: Support costs can be significant, there may be customer satisfaction or legal risks associated with inappropriate application support. Under the legislative requirements, there are obligations and penalties for customer support.
Good design is a cyclical process that involves Requirement Analysis, Design Principles, Development and Implementation, functional and user Testing, Evolution and Repeated iterations.
Global Trends: Predicting the global trend of technology for the next generation is easier than you might think. Accessibility challenges of today are the mainstream technologies of tomorrow. TechCrunch: Accessibility's nextgen breakthroughs will be literally in your head, Jim Fruchterman, October 2020
Purposeful: Purposeful equals Profitable. Increasing the usability of your products and services will increase your access to a larger consumer base. Reaching Every Customer Matters to your business. Increasingly, people are interested in buying from a purpose driven company, and will switch from one company to a purpose-driven one. Medium: 10 Ways Designers and Researchers Can Meaningfully Engage With Disabled People in 2023, by Alex Haagaard, Dec-2022
Innovation: Innovating is more profitable than litigating. Pursuing Inclusive Design lifts your brand image by showing you care about all consumers; existing customers and the new ones you are sure to attract. It is estimated that 1 in 4 people have a disability that impacts major life activities, and this number will increase over time as the population ages. This increase in consumers with disabilities has resulted in an increase of website accessibility lawsuits. Inclusive Design not only leads to better business risk protection, but it transforms what was previously a liability into a brand asset. An Innovation Historical Perspective
Values: Value sensitive design seeks to provide theory and method to account for human values in a principled and systematic manner throughout the design process. Central to this approach is engaging our moral and technical imaginations. Value sensitive design rests on a foundation of theoretical constructs, which frame its position on the relationship among tools, technology and human values. Value Sensitive Design Lab: Designing With Moral And Technical Imagination
The term
Stakeholder Assessment:
The likely impact of the development on the stakeholder.
The issues that they will have an interest in.
Their likely position regarding accessibility needs.
Their ability to influence the development and testing.
Their potential impact on the overall project regarding technical and experiences.
Potential mitigating actions regarding techniques and solutions.
stakeholderrefers to anyone that has an interest in a project and can influence its success. It is important to identify stakeholders in a project as early as possible. However, Stakeholders may not all have the same objectives. So, it is important to identify areas of convergence and areas of difference between them and to manage individuals whose expectations are unlikely to be met.
Stakeholder Assessment:
Is the Design philosophy based on the Technical Problem Solutions using the Waterfall software development cycle?
Software Requirement Analysis.
Preliminary Design.
Detailed Design.
Coding and Unit Testing.
Is the Design philosophy based on the Reason Centric Solutions using the Agile software development cycle?
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools.
Working software over comprehensive documentation.
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation.
Responding to change over following a plan.