Slide7-9 Integration: From passive to active (Active is inclusive)
The Accessibility Interface is the saddle, the stirrups, and the reins. The User Experience is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse.
Dain Miller, Director of development and technology, educational podcaster, product manager, and ruby/rails consultant.
Integration is the third AODA principle. The AODA Education Standard can guide procurement of tools and resources.
Divide: From passive to active.
Inclusive: Assimilation within Social, economic and identity interpenetration.
Barriers: Dialogs, participation, Innovation, Availability and Affordability.
Design: Assuming you have access to the information and able to act independently upon your options, are you an active participant or a passive observer.
Procurement of inaccessible tools and resources is one of the biggest employment barriers.
Integration: Moving beyond accommodating through Universal Human Centered design and end-user focus groups.
Inclusive: Create user experiences through multiple Representations, Expressions and Engagement.
Vendors and partners need to buy into your cultural values.