Slide5-6 Idea Implementation
The Accessibility Interface is the saddle, the stirrups, and the reins. The User Experience is the feeling you get being able to ride the horse.
Dain Miller, Web Developer
Innovation and collaboration is the intersection of creativity.
A lived experience is gained through an interactive engagement with our environment with the appropriate knowledge.
Ontario DNA Digital Service Standard
The Accessibility Design Journey
The Accessibility Canada Act (ACA)
There are an increasing number of accessibility standards and guidelines being employed across Canada as federal and provincial levels of legislation. The Government of Canada, in keeping with its responsibilities, passed Bill C-81, the Accessible Canada Act on May 29, 2019. Bill C-81 will benefit all Canadians, especially Canadians with disabilities, by helping create a barrier-free Canada. By working together with provinces/territories and public, private and not-for-profit sectors, the Government of Canada aims to ensure equality, inclusion and full participation in society for all citizens.The Accessibility For Ontarians Disability Act (AODA)
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) StandardsBuildings
Public spaces
Public spaces
Accessible customer service policies
Practices and procedures
Service animals
Support persons
Customer feedback
Staff training
Practices and procedures
Service animals
Support persons
Customer feedback
Staff training
Recruitment and hiring processes will accommodate disabilities
Human resource practices will accommodate disabilities
Develop and document accommodation plans for employees with disabilities
Create safety procedures and emergency response information
Human resource practices will accommodate disabilities
Develop and document accommodation plans for employees with disabilities
Create safety procedures and emergency response information
Make websites and web content accessible according to the W3C WCAG
Provide accessible formats and communications supports at no additional cost
Make feedback processes accessible to all persons
Make public emergency information accessible
Provide educational and training resources and materials in accessible formats
Provide educators with accessibility awareness training
Provide accessible formats and communications supports at no additional cost
Make feedback processes accessible to all persons
Make public emergency information accessible
Provide educational and training resources and materials in accessible formats
Provide educators with accessibility awareness training
Make information on accessibility equipment and features of vehicles, routes and services available to the public
Cannot charge a fare to a support person when the person with a disability requires a support person to accompany them
Provide clearly marked courtesy seating for people with disabilities
Do not charge people with disabilities a higher fare, or for storing mobility aids
Technical requirements for lifting devices, steps, grab bars/handrails, floor surfaces, lighting, signage, etc
Provide verbal and visual announcements of routes and stops on vehicles
Develop an eligibility application process including an independent appeal process
Provide the same hours and days of service as those offered by conventional transit
Cannot charge a fare to a support person when the person with a disability requires a support person to accompany them
Provide clearly marked courtesy seating for people with disabilities
Do not charge people with disabilities a higher fare, or for storing mobility aids
Technical requirements for lifting devices, steps, grab bars/handrails, floor surfaces, lighting, signage, etc
Provide verbal and visual announcements of routes and stops on vehicles
Develop an eligibility application process including an independent appeal process
Provide the same hours and days of service as those offered by conventional transit