The Big Idea

Effective Communications

Blind farmer with chickens going moo
The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
George Bernard Shaw, British playwright and Nobel Prize recipient
Communication Interface
  1. Delivery: How is the marketing message delivered?
  2. Perceivability: Who can perceive the marketing message?
  3. Understanding: How well does the targeted market understand the message?
Communication Experience
Multiple Representation: An important aspect in the process of learning, which can be defined as transforming information into knowledge, is the way the information is brought to the learner. In learning situations, learners hardly ever interact with the real system they need to understand. Instead, they use a representation that provides them with information about an event, process, or system in the real world. When communicating information it is necessary to use multiple representations to facilitate conceptual understanding within context. You might draw a picture for someone, verbally describe using words, or create a mathematical equation.
Examples of Communications
  • YouTube: BlindSquare - Painting a picture of the world through sound
  • YouTube: Descriptive Video Demonstration - The Lion King
  • YouTube: How Does A Deaf-Blind Person Send Text Messages
  • Types Of Communications